Monday, December 29, 2008

Hello Internet Community!

I'm Bill Doody.

This is my first official posty. 

Some facts:
sex: no thanks lol
age: 48
hair: reddish
number of current pets: 3 but who's countin' 
hobbies: travel, food, technology, hobbies

Let me tell you about a little something that everyone calls Christmas.  As you probably know, Christmas was damn four days ago and let me tell you it feels a lot longer... okay.   So I was having a nice morning with my just as friends wife Sal (short for sally) Dempenchest when she pulls out her "gift" for me.  fuckin bitch.  She knows i wanted sketchies and instead she got me these.  They wernt even the right damn size! I told her "bullshat" and then she goes ahead and tries to say i "ruined [damn] christmas".  Lucky for her I am excited about the other gifts i got:

-a framed picture of a (sherman) tank
-simon (the lighty game, of course)
-a new collar for my dog Hurt
-a gift card to Circut City
-and (drumroll........) ... A STAIRMASTIE 

excersizeville here i come! population: one. lol

I'm gonna scare the farts out of her if she tries that shit againish.

Till next time,

Bill Doody

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