Friday, February 27, 2009


A lot of you have been asking me about my Poppy and I'm just gonna say shove it the fuck up! I am not about to just spill my beans of damn life just because some bitch wants an education. 

Speaking of education, Sal's friend Wendy needs to go back to school for understandment.  When I say "OUTTA THE HOUSE" that means "OUTTA THE HOUSE" (leave).  Stupid bitch was in my kitchen with Sal eating damn ALL of my tasty delights.  I caught her red-handed (or brown handed cause it was Oreos lol)

This is a picture I took of them right before I went over the edge (the green glob of shit is Wendy).  The snackzone is completely off limits to guests.

Keep it real,
Bill Doody

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ya Gotta Go See STOMP!!

Have you ever seen a show and "this is fuckin awesome" shoots into the noggin?? Get out of your seats folks and go see STOMP! Usually i get nasty when Sal drags me along to plays and musies but STOMP! is a thrilling joyride of rhythm and pizzaz that really gets the blood pumpin.  I'm giving STOMP! a 10/10 because of pure talent and the DVD is sick.  I was on the edge of my seatie and could of sprayed piss when the talented cast took out the broomies and made rhythm townish.  Fun for the whole family or just men.

Injury update: I fucking still have shitcast. I get around with crutches which made getting through the crowd at STOMP! a garbagefest. As soon as i reached comfortzone though i sat back, adjusted the fuckin comfort, and let STOMP! do all the work.


Keep it real,
Bill Doody

Monday, February 2, 2009


Everyone eat shit im pissed as fuck!
Fucking stairgarbagefuck brokey my ankle during exercisetown and now my travel plans for FebFeb are damn put off.  (yellowstone is NOT meant for fucking casts!!!)

I was trying out some new difficult moves on the shitmaster when god must have farted or something (pain).  While i was giving birth to larger muscles the damn thing betrayed my body and I yarled, which is motherfucking yelling and gargling.  While I was yarling in the den my bladder gave me an early april fools joke, per se, and ruined my favorite shortsies (dont worry i didnt piss like crazy my Y2K shirt is okay).  I had to drive mySELF to the fucking hospy because Sal was at the fucking grocey buying god knows what (groceries).  

During the painful peepants drive it hurt whenever i gassed the pedal and made me yarl.  At the climax to dumbtown, a redlight bombarded my retna during stoppytime, giving me squint and yarl.  I exited the car to give a quick scream to god but upset my driving neighbors by accie and was assaulted by damn array of horn and nasty language.  

I'm ashamed to say I took it out on Gushers Doody and I yelled the fuck out in his tank last night.

Keep it real yall,
Bill Doody