Have you ever seen a show and "this is fuckin awesome" shoots into the noggin?? Get out of your seats folks and go see
STOMP! Usually i get nasty when Sal drags me along to
plays and musies but STOMP! is a thrilling joyride of rhythm and pizzaz that really gets the blood pumpin. I'm giving STOMP! a 10/10 because of pure talent and the DVD is sick. I was on the edge of my seatie and could of sprayed piss when the talented cast took out the broomies and made rhythm townish. Fun for the whole family or just men.
Injury update: I fucking still have shitcast. I get around with crutches which made getting through the crowd at STOMP! a garbagefest. As soon as i reached comfortzone though i sat back, adjusted the fuckin comfort, and let STOMP! do all the work.
Keep it real,
Bill Doody
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